Featured Parent

This is Christine

Christine Walker is a dedicated advocate for children’s mental health and works tirelessly to educate policymakers to enhance the lives of families raising children with hidden disabilities. Christine’s oldest son lives with Asperger’s syndrome, ADHD, and a mood disorder.

I thought I was going to lose my family. - Christine Walker

Latest Articles for Parents

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Treatment for Mental Health and Addiction Finally Gets a Level Playing Field

Written By: Christine Walker
Treatment for Mental Health and Addiction Finally Gets a Level Playing Field

Christine Walker, author of Chasing Hope, was on hand last week for the announcement that the White House would issue the final rules to the Mental Health And Addiction Parity Act of 2008. Thirty-Three years overdue, this change will have a momentous impact on the lives of those sufferering from mental illness and addiction.

Parents of Special Needs Children Need to Ask Tough Financial Questions

Written By: Christine Walker, Pamela DeLoatch
Parents of Special Needs Children Need to Ask Tough Financial Questions

Many parents of kids with special needs are so busy planning for the present that they neglect to plan for their child's financial future. But the best time to take a look at this is as soon as you know your child will need additional care. Find out some of the hard questions they should answer as they plan for the future.

Loving Your Child—No Matter What They Do

Written By: Pamela DeLoatch | Resource Creation By: Leeann Sanders | Illustrations By: Nathan Lueth | Design By: Sunny DiMartino
Loving Your Child—No Matter What They Do

There are countless books on parenting, but nothing fully prepares you to be the parent of YOUR child. Every child is different, every situation is different, and every day can be different than the last. For parents of children with special needs, this is surely the case. There is no manual for how to handle meltdowns, rage episodes, and aggressive behavior and there is no clear cut answer to how you should FEEL about your children during these times of struggle.

Navigating “The Cliff”: When Your Child with Autism Grows Up

Written By: Amanda Ronan | Resource Creation By: Bridget Morton, Keli McNeill | Design By: Sunny DiMartino, Nathan Lueth
Navigating “The Cliff”: When Your Child with Autism Grows Up

When a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder grows up they are faced with new challenges. Learn more about how you can navigate through these and obtain your child's bright future.

Residential Care: A Story of Love and Caring for a Traumatized Daughter

Written By: Lizzie Vance, Aleksandra Corwin | Resource Creation By: Leeann Sanders | Designed By: Sunny DiMartino, Christy Bui
Residential Care: A Story of Love and Caring for a Traumatized Daughter

After years of rages and fighting, Lori Hetzel’s adopted daughter’s behavior, diagnosed as Reactive Attachment Disorder, turns in a dangerous direction, leading the family to consider options for her care they have never wanted to consider until now. Nadya’s extreme emotionality, aggressive reactivity, and unpredictability has left the family with no good, safe options for keeping her at home.

Finding the Right Out-of-Home Placement for Your Child with Prader-Willi Syndrome

Written By: Alison Hennessee
Finding the Right Out-of-Home Placement for Your Child with Prader-Willi Syndrome

Finding the right placement for your child with Prader-Willi Syndrome can be difficult. You may go through numerous homes before you find the one that is a fit for your child and that can help him or her in the best way possible. Read how one parent never gave up and sought out the help that she knew her child needed, in an environment that worked for him!