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This is Adam

From the time Adam wakes to the hour he sleeps again, his day presents him with successes to experience and challenges to overcome.

We’re good people, Jon. We don’t deserve this. Adam doesn’t deserve this. - Adam's Mother

Latest Articles for Autism

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Binders and Breakdowns: A Mother’s Introduction to the Individualized Education Plan Process

Written By: Julie Wallach | Resource Creation By: Bridget Morton | Design By: Christy Bui
Binders and Breakdowns: A Mother’s Introduction to the Individualized Education Plan Process

An Individualized Education Plan takes time to create and implement, often requiring a year or more of testing, meetings, and decision-making to determine appropriate educational instruction and supports for a student with special needs. When Angie digs into the process, she learns more about education than she ever thought possible, and wades through bureaucracy, advocating for her son.

Scaling Emotional Hurdles in the Classroom with Emotional Scaling

Written By: Geoff Campbell | Resource Creation By: Bridget Morton | Design By: Christy Bui, Sunny DiMartino
Scaling Emotional Hurdles in the Classroom with Emotional Scaling

Some children have difficulty understanding their emotions, which can sometimes lead to class-disrupting episodes of anger. By working closely with students and using strategies like emotional scaling, teachers and educators can help students better understand emotions, changes in intensity, and coping strategies, which often leads to increased self-control in the classroom.

Swing Low, Swing High: Parents Moving into Emotional Scaling for their Daughter

Written By: Nancy Yeang | Resource Creation By: Bridget Morton | Design By: Christy Bui, Sunny DiMartino
Swing Low, Swing High: Parents Moving into Emotional Scaling for their Daughter

Parents of children with Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD) and other trauma and stressor-related disorders try many techniques to mitigate the problems with emotion regulation and aggressive behavior. Emotional scaling can help children with RAD to better understand their emotional experience in order to regulate their emotions and behavior before experiencing outbursts of agitation and aggression.

Through His Eyes: Natural and Logical Consequences at Home

Written By: Nancy Yeang | Resource Creation By: Bridget Morton | Design By: Sunny DiMartino
Through His Eyes: Natural and Logical Consequences at Home

A father struggles with having his son, who has behavioral issues, understand the consequences of his actions. After a visit with a behavioral counselor, he learns about behavioral strategies, and also finds a window into his son’s world that allows him to better see and understand his perspective.

Helping Students Follow Classroom Expectations and Rules with Collaborative Problem Solving

Written By: Amanda Ronan | Resource Creation By: Bridget Morton | Design By: Sunny DiMartino
Helping Students Follow Classroom Expectations and Rules with Collaborative Problem Solving

Collaborative Problem Solving (CPS) is an effective alternative to delivering negative consequences to students who aren’t consistently following basic classroom rules and expectations. A relationship-based, nonconfrontational approach, CPS helps teachers and students work together to understand everyone’s concerns, then arrive at a mutually beneficial solution.

Collaborative Problem Solving: Parents and Children Working Together to Solve Everyday Problems in the Home

Written By: Rebecca Thomas | Resource Creation By: Bridget Morton | Design By: Sunny DiMartino
Collaborative Problem Solving:  Parents and Children Working Together to Solve Everyday Problems in the Home

Parents may often grow frustrated when their child with an Autism Spectrum Disorder becomes increasingly defiant over a necessary daily task, such as teeth brushing, bathing, or getting out of bed in the morning. Before frustration reaches a boiling point, or resorting to punishment, parents can work together with their child to understand and express each other’s concerns and come up with a solution that works for everyone involved.